Monday, August 19, 2013


As a Naturopath I seek the underlying cause of disease (or problem) rather than its symptoms. The body has the power to heal itself and my role is to facilitate this natural process with Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Homoeopathy, Iridology, and different kinds of Massage.

Naturopathy treats a wide range of ailments with the use of natural medicines. First Naturopathic consultation can take up one hour or more and will cover a patient's lifestyle, specific symptoms, medical history and diet. An appropriate treatment is then designed to suit your needs and treat the cause of disease. The treatment may consist of herbal medicines, homoeopathic remedies dietary advice & supplements such as vitamins or minerals.

The common health problems that women experience such as irregular periods, menstrual cramps, depression, menopausal disorders, inability to conceive are symptoms of imbalances. Often it takes nothing more than "good living practices" to remedy them. Proper nutrition, adequate rest, tonic herbs, exercise are my primary prescriptions for radiant health and vitality.

Manage your Autoimmune Disease with natural medicines. Naturopathy can help with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Cronh's disease, Lupus (SLE), Psoriasis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Children's common colds, allergies, eczema and childhood diseases are easily treated with herbs, supplements and diet.
Respiratory immunity in children can act like a yoyo. Children experience more infections and allergies than adults. While a number of childhood infections are normal, some children experience a constant stream of infections and never fully recover indicating an impaired immune response.

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